Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Tugas Soft Skill "Tempat Favorit"

Rio Ferdianto

The most favorite place I visited often

You could say I was someone who was not at home, like all the roads, so many people who told me that people who can not stay home. Every so often my parents would be angry because of my behavior can not stay home. Because of my habit, I have a few favorite places. His example Taman Bunga BSD, ALFA Bintaro, Emerald Bintaro. Among these places there are places which I think is very nice to visit, namely Taman Bunga BSD, I think it was a very nice place to visit, and his place was not so crowded by people who came over there, because its a nice place to visit, sometimes I get forget the time when I was in there.
Once upon a time I come to these places, I came there with my friends, there we were chatting, joking and eating or drinking money available there. Because we are too cool to talk too forget time and place until the security guard approached us to ddatang we commemorate the hour to visit the place had been spent, so we had to immediately leave the premises.
Since then me and my friends always come idak too long, for fear of being reprimanded by a security guard that place. And besides nice place to visit, the place also very beautiful sight it was, because the surrounding hills there are beautiful enough to be looked at especially if there with a girlfriend. Therefore a lot of people who come to visit these places, because of his place so beautiful. So is the story of my favorite places.

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Tugas Soft Skill "Karakteristik Keluarga"

Rio Ferdianto

My Family

This is the story of my family,, my family consists of 4 people .. ie father, mother, me, and my brother. My dad named Dodo, my mother named Lia. My father comes from the cabin while my mother's chili came from bogor. My father was an entrepreneur and my mother is a housewife, they married in 1988, and I was born in 1989 on 19 April, which is named Rio Ferdianto my first child of two brothers and I had a brother named Riyan Ferdianto which is now 17 years old, and he was in high school in the area Idhata Bakti fatmawati, Cilandak.
My dad had a very strong character, then any talk or his command could not be rejected because he was the most unbiased and rejected the same nature that falls to me. If my mother had a quiet nature so often when my mom and dad were fighting, my mother could only silence. My brother was a football player, and I am a student of class Gunadarma University of Economics in 2007 majoring in Accounting.
In my daily life, I often fight with my brother, I also do not know why I fight so often, probably because of what my birth date with my sister the same. That's why I rarely at peace with my brother, but if I'm not his fight with me like two twins that peaceful peace, I say that because so many people who tell you that my brother and I like the twins.
My mother was a patient in educating his children, although sometimes his son-anka like stubborn or do not want to think what the parents said. But my mother was patient in each menhadapi nature of her children, my father was a hard worker. My dad was the spirit of making a living for my family.
That's why my brother and I could obtaining education so far. That short story about my family.

Tugas Soft Skill "Kriteria calon istri"

Rio Ferdianto

Here is a Candidate Selection Criteria for my wife:
1. Mutual Honest / No Love Lies, Love And Loyalty
Where there are people who like being lied to. Choose a woman who can hold his words and would only lie for the sake of a positive family. If you like a lie would be a headache as my future wife. Women are loyal to me will always love me and will always be beside me wherever I go and in whatever conditions. Love is also very important, because love is the basic capital of the husband and wife relationship is good and should have existed since the status is still dating.
2. Looks interesting
Women are from my physical love but not alter the results or thick powder. Interesting is not always pretty, cute, ayu, menor, sexy, cute, sweet, and so forth, but that does not make me hate if you see it.
3. Obedience Worship
This is essential for the future of the family. My children will be guided more by the mother. If the mother is not reckless behavior bener, it could be imitated by children. Find women shalihah / Solehah that can educate children to be pious man who a certain character and influenced me to serve better.
4. Clever / Smart
Intelligent wife who can help manage the household and may also help financial / family finances with a sideline melakuka or work.
5. Not Materialistic
Cewe matre to sea emang bener aje's songs. Do not just search for beautiful girls of course, but from his heart. No matter how much money we can from the work will not be enough to support a wife matre not ungrateful.
6. Stable Low And Emotions Can Entertain
Wife ready smile, gentle, not like anger and stress is not easy to deal with the problems of life is a good wife.
7. Approval Parents, Family, Friends and so on
The relationship of husband and wife must be supported by those who oang around us start from the parents, in-laws, friends, relatives, siblings, friends, neighbors, and others.

Kamis, 12 November 2009

Tugas B.inggris Bisnis 1, Lamaran Kerja dan CV

Nama : Rio Ferdianto
NPM : 20207946
Kelas : 3eb03

Jakarta, November 12, 2009

Attention To:
PT. Tunas Bangsa
Jl. Raya Merdeka No. 27
Gd. Menara Jaya Lt. 21 Jkt. 12580
Dear, Mr or Mrs
I wish to apply for the position of Marketing Manager that was advertised on Tempo, November 10, 2009.
I have over one year experience as an Accounting with PT. Rizky Finance and have experience of a wide variety of pattern techniques. My computer skills are very good, and I have an excellent record as a reliable, productive employee.
I am looking for new challenges and the posistion of Marketing Manager sounds the perfect opportunity.
I enclose my CV for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon. I am available for interview at your convenience

Sincerely yours,

Rio Ferdianto

Personal Information

Name : Rio Ferdianto

Address : Jl. Kunir no 58
Jakarta, 15418
Place / Date of Birth : Bogor , April 19th 1989
Gender : Male
Religion : Kristen
Age : 20 Years old
Phone : 021 – 94490398
Mobile Phone : 0856 – 91308119/ 94490398
Email Address : rriioo_rio@yahoo.com
Nationality : Indonesian

Formal Education

2004 Graduate from SLTP Dharma Karya UT
2007 Graduate from SMA Bakti Idhata Cilandak
2007 – now Gunadarma University– S1(Accounting)

Experience Work
” Freelance SPB (Sales Promotion Boy) at Pertamina Center Abdul Moeis”
• Freelance SPB(Sales Promotion Boy) Pepsodent


Computer systems:
• Ms Word, Ms Power Point, Ms Excel, Ms Publisher, Internet, Email
• Typing ( Ten Fingers )

• Movie
• Reading
• Music
• Public Relation

Tugas B.inggris Bisnis 1, Lamaran Kerja dan CV

Jakarta, November 12, 2009

Attention To:
PT. Tunas Bangsa
Jl. Raya Merdeka No. 27
Gd. Menara Jaya Lt. 21 Jkt. 12580
Dear, Mr or Mrs
I wish to apply for the position of Marketing Manager that was advertised on Tempo, November 10, 2009.
I have over one year experience as an Accounting with PT. Rizky Finance and have experience of a wide variety of pattern techniques. My computer skills are very good, and I have an excellent record as a reliable, productive employee.
I am looking for new challenges and the posistion of Marketing Manager sounds the perfect opportunity.
I enclose my CV for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon. I am available for interview at your convenience

Sincerely yours,

Rio Ferdianto

Personal Information

Name : Rio Ferdianto

Address : Jl. Kunir no 58
Jakarta, 15418
Place / Date of Birth : Bogor , April 19th 1989
Gender : Male
Religion : Kristen
Age : 20 Years old
Phone : 021 – 94490398
Mobile Phone : 0856 – 91308119/ 94490398
Email Address : rriioo_rio@yahoo.com
Nationality : Indonesian

Formal Education

2004 Graduate from SLTP Dharma Karya UT
2007 Graduate from SMA Bakti Idhata Cilandak
2007 – now Gunadarma University– S1(Accounting)

Experience Work
” Freelance SPB (Sales Promotion Boy) at Pertamina Center Abdul Moeis”
• Freelance SPB(Sales Promotion Boy) Pepsodent


Computer systems:
• Ms Word, Ms Power Point, Ms Excel, Ms Publisher, Internet, Email
• Typing ( Ten Fingers )

• Movie
• Reading
• Music
• Public Relation

Rabu, 11 November 2009

Tugas Soft Skill B.inggris bisnis 1

Nama : Rio ferdianto
NPM : 20207946
Kelas : 3eb03
Tugas Soft Skill B.inggris bisnis 1

Selain Skutik, Suzuki Juga Tambah Moge

Jakarta - Selain menambah skutiknya, Suzuki juga bakal menghadirkan model-model anyar motor besar akan dipasarkan secara resmi di tanah air tahun 2010 nanti.

Karenanya, tahun depan pun Suzuki berencana untuk menambah lineup mogenya yang saat ini sudah diisi antara lain oleh GSX-R600, B-King, varian matik Brugman, dan trail RM-Z450.

"Moge sifatnya additional saja, namun tetap tiap tahun kita nambah model baru," ujar 2w Marketing-Promotion & Dealer Development, Edi Darmawan, di sela-sela acara 'Geber Skydrive' di Gedung Indomobil, Jalan MT Haryono, Jakarta, Rabu (11/11/2009).

Selain itu, sejauh ini pun penjualan moge Suzuki terbilang cukup bagus, meskipun Edi tidak bisa mematok berapa kisaran angka penjualan tiap bulannya.

"Karena kan berdasarkan pemesanan, dan ini murni CBU," ujarnya.

GSX-R600 merupakan varian yang paling laku diantara sejumlah moge yang dipasarkan secara resmi oleh Suzuki. "Sampai bulan Juli, kita sudah menjual 30
unit untuk GSX-R600," ungkapnya.

Tugas Soft Skill B.inggris bisnis 1

Nama : Rio ferdianto
NPM : 20207946
Kelas : 3eb03
Tugas Soft Skill B.inggris bisnis 1

Asian Cup qualifying U-19
Cesar: Do not Blame Players

Soreang - Coach U-19 national team Cesar apologize Payovich states and are responsible for poor results experienced by Indonesia in the first two Cup qualifying action Asian U-19. He also asked the players not to blame.

Indonesia Japan digelontor seven goals without reply in a fight which took place Monday (9/11/2009). This is the second defeat suffered in the Garuda team action after a previous qualifying defeat of Singapore.

"I am responsible for the defeat of Japan. The opposing team was very excellent. But please do not meyalahkan players. They are still in the process of becoming a good player in the dating, "he said as quoted by Payovich official site PSSI.

Cesar added, the players U-19 national team was playing in Indonesia in the age group above. Japanese players have nearly 19 years of age. Just like Singapore, according to Cesar, Japanese players have almost become a professional player.

"Besides, they already have a high international experience. While Alan Martha et al very minimal international flight hours. After competing in Uruguay, not even if they melakoni international trial, "said Cesar.

Because the trial was minimal, Cesar assess players often lose concentration on the field. Process goals are nested Japan to Indonesia are also more goal for the player who lost his concentration.

Cesar also asked the notion to all Indonesian national team fans. Players training programs in Uruguay is still in the process. It takes time to print the players and teams who have a high quality level. The potential to be better in fact present in Syamsir Alam et al.

Tugas Soft Skill B.inggris bisnis 1

Nama : Rio ferdianto
NPM : 20207946
Kelas : 3eb03
Tugas Soft Skill B.inggris bisnis 1
This horrendous testimony Williardi It!

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Testimony Williardi Wizard so brave in the murder trial of PT Putra Rajawali Director Banjaran Zulkarnaen Nasrudin. He realized, as a crown witness, any statement strongly influence the fate of former Chairman of the Commission Antasari Azhar who was sitting as a defendant in the trial.
On Tuesday (10/11), he decided to revoke all the statements in the BAP because it was all made on the basis of police investigators engineering. "I declare all the BAP does not apply. What (would) we use is a BAP on 29 April 2009 and 30 April 2009 and that (we) say here," said Williardi began his testimony.
He decided to revoke his statement on the BAP because of what he said was made by the investigators, and he lived signatures. Another reason, the investigating authorities did not fulfill his promise to not help it if, according to investigators.
Engineering was started when he picked up in one day from his home to the police station at 00:30. In the early days it was visited and inspected Williardi Investigation Director Metro Jaya Regional Police, Deputy Director of Investigation, and the three unit heads.
According to Williardi, officials asked him to make a BAP polri to ensnare Antasari as the main perpetrators of the murder Nasrudin. "At that time our goal was conditioned cuman Antasari. (Then BAP I) compared with BAP Sigid (Haryo Wibisono), read to me," said Williardi without fear faces.
In subsequent testimony, even the name Williardi Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Police Inspector Adiatmoko. According to him, also asked him to make Adiatmoko BAP put the interests Antasari.
BAP Williardi made on April 29-30 investigators rejected because Antasari not involved. "What makes Udah best to ensnare Mr. Antasari. Guaranteed home tomorrow. We were assured by the leadership of the Police will not be arrested. Indisipliner Most sanctions," said Williardi repeated words Adiatmoko.
Because of that assurance, information Williardi, he was willing to sign the BAP that was made investigators. However, what happened the next day in television news, the police Williardi plotted as a killer Nasrudin.
He also protested to the Director General Criminal Investigation Polda Metro Jaya Commissioner of participating Muhammad Iriawan examined. "Promise what? Please clarified. We're not that bad," said Williardi.
Protests are reaping Willardi reaction from her colleagues. Back he met Brigadier General (Pol) Irawan Dahlan and immediately taken to the office Adiatmoko.
Over coffee, he asked if familiar with Edo, Jerry Hermawan Lo, Antasari Azhar, and Sigid Haryo Wibisono. He also asked if ever handed money USD 500 million to the Edo of Sigid.
Williardi affirmative all the questions, without knowing he was being investigated. Hearing confessions Williardi, Adiatmoko asking his subordinates to immediately stop Williardi.
"Lho kok nyerahin money just arrested?" Williardi to Adiatmoko said. From then until now Williardi languishing in detention.
In the trial, led by Herri Swantoro in the South Jakarta District Court this afternoon, also claimed Williardi branded a traitor by his colleagues when he protested what she ultimately became involved in a murder case and arrested.
Protested loudly that even the cold response by the investigator. "That command leadership," so that he can answer when he revealed why he was arrested.
Curious who is the leader, Tim Attorney Antasari Juniver chaired Williardi Girsang ask who is boss. "If you talk to the leadership, the leadership of our Chief yes," replied Williardi loud.
Furthermore, engineering is also happening during the reconstruction. At a meeting in room Sigid work, as if the investigators make a scene Antasari give brown envelope containing the photographs to Williardi Nasrudin. This is directly contradicted by Williardi.
"That's not true. We took the envelope directly from you Sigid. Without Mr. Antasari," said Williardi. From the beginning to testify, was not intimidated Williardi statements reveal that he considered right.
There was no fear of her face though some officials he starred mentioned. There were several times he vowed to convince the judges.
Besides the names above, he also called police officers, such as Niko Afinta, Tornagogo Sihombing, and Daniel. Public prosecutor who headed CIRUS Sinaga requested the names mentioned so Williardi presented in the court.

Tugas Soft Skill B.inggris 1

Tugas Soft Skill b.inggris 1
Nama : Rio Ferdianto
NPM : 20207946
Kelas : 3eb03
Xavi: Fabregas, Pindahlah ke Barca!

BARCELONA, KOMPAS.COM - Pemain tengah Barcelona, Xavi, mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk berduet dengan bintang Arsenal, Cesc Fabregas. Ia pun berharap agar Fabregas mau pindah ke Barca dan menjadi partnernya di lapangan.

Dalam sebuah wawancara, pemain berusia 29 tahun itu, sangat yakin posisinya di tengah, akan semakin mantap jika kapten "The Gunners" tersebut, benar-benar pindah ke Barca.

"Aku berharap Fabregas mau pindah ke Barca dan menjadi rekanku di lini tengah. Aku yakin jika ia pindah ke sini, semakin baik pula lini tengah Barca. Pemain berkualitas seperti dialah yang dibutuhkan di lini tengah," ucap pemain asal Spanyol tersebut.

"Akan sangat menyenangkan jika Cesc jadi pindah. Karena aku benar-benar cocok berpasangan dengannya. Ia pemain yang hebat. Dan cocok untuk karakter Barca. Ia mampu menyelesaikan umpan-umpan dengan brilian," lanjutnya.

Tugas Soft Skill B.inggris 1

Tugas Soft Skill B.inggris 1
Nama : Rio ferdianto
Kelas : 3eb03
NPM : 20207946

Tens of thousands Palm Smallholders Not revitalized

SAMARINDA, KOMPAS.com-A total of 36,382 farmers of oil palm in East Kalimantan have not been able to follow the plantation revitalization program. Because the dominant farmers' land property rights has not certified, so that can not be used as collateral to obtain credit.

Head of Development of Farm Plantation Kaltim Etnawati suggested that in Samarinda, Wednesday (11/10).

Etnawati explained, revitalization of oil palm in East Kalimantan since 2008 planned to take place until 2010. However, the East Kalimantan provincial government proposed the program be extended until 2013.

For two years, the program is targeted to reach 56,216 farmers with 112,433 hectares of land. That is, every farmer has 2 hectares of land. However, a new program to reach 34 percent or 19,374 farmers with 38,748 hectares of land.

"The cause of the dominant land is not diagunkan farmers to credit as they are not certified," said Etnawati. For others, the farmers refused to join the program because it wanted to plant oil palm commodities but not the vegetables or fruits.

Revitalization, continued Etnawati, relying on the company making and tended the garden ready for farmers to plant production at the age of four years. The cost for it is given by the credit system of banks that have been appointed by the government, such as Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, and the latest is Bank of East Kalimantan.

Oil palm plantation companies to run this program because the government is required to provide 20 percent of its concession area for people. The area is called the company to manage the core while the people or farmers around the company called plasma.

Credit funds amount USD 39 million with interest at 7 per cent this year.Credit to farmers who repaid the debt repayment by the company. Way, the company cut the garden yields p etani sold to the factory. "Farmers just sit good," said Etnawati.

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

Puisi Untuk Cinta

Mungkin sudah kulewati malam penuh cahaya,
Mungkin juga sudah kualami pagi dalam kegelapan,
Sudah kulalui perjalanan seiring keheningan,
Dan sudah kurasakan tawa dengan tetesan air mata,
Menurut ku,
Aku sudah cukup dewasa untuk menjalani hidup ini.
Namun, apakah hidup ini akan berarti apabila kulalui tanpa arah tanpa tujuan.
Sampai suatu hari dimana aku bertemu dengan mu.
Kusadari ada yang terlewat, ada satu yang belum aku miliki.
Dan rasa itu kutemukan didalam dirimu.
Sekarang aku tahu, akan kuraih dan harus kudapat hati mu
Karena telah kumiliki tujuan hidup ku,
Yaitu mencintai dirimu…

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Tugas Bahasa Inggris bisnis 1 letter order

Jln. Manggis No 58
JAKARTA, 15418

Your Ref :ES/SB/7A
Our Ref :GW/L/14

22th October,2009

Mr.Green White
Jln.Raya Merdeka NO.25
Surabaya 12345

Dear Mr Green,

Subject : Purchase Order No M.121 I

Thank you for your letter of 22 October enclosing your catalogue,price list,and terms of payment.

We have studied your catalogue very carefully and are very pleased with the quality of the typewrites you offered.

We shall for the goods by banker’s transfer on receipt of your pro- forma invoice and request delivery withim 2 weeks.

Please send your order in to our office.

Yours sincerely,

Rio Ferdianto

Purchase Manager

Jln. Manggis No 58
JAKARTA, 15418


TO : Mr.Green White
Jln.Raya Merdeka NO.25
Surabaya 12345

Date : 22th October,2009

Ref Quantity Item Price/unit Total
A1135 100 unit Sharp washing machines Rp 1.000.000 Rp 100.000.000
B750 50 unit Sanyo washing machines Rp 2.000.000 Rp 100.000.000
C150 50 unit Denpoo vacum cleaner Rp 1.000.000 Rp 50.000.000
D135 50 unit Sharp vacuum cleaner Rp 700.000 Rp 35.000.000
Rp 285.000.000
Delivery date Requeired Terms For : PT.ASAL KUMPUL
22 Oktober 2009 2 weeks from receipt Rio Ferdianto